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Legally Ballroom 6 - Strictly Themed Corporate Event.

Strictly Themed Corporate Event - Legally Ballroom 6

Caterham Dance School has taken part in many corporate events, but Legally Ballroom is a very special event that we have been heavily involved with this since its conception, 10 years ago.

CDS has trained over 180 employees of one of the top solicitors firms in the city of London to take part in this very successful bi-yearly charity event.

Legally Ballroom 6 involved 32 volunteers being taught four separate dances over a period of 10 weeks, with the aim of performing at the main event, which took place at The Grange St. Paul's. Participants eagerly practised and were encouraged to research their own choreography which they did in abundance. Over the training sessions, the couples became more and more competitive and were keen to win the coveted title of Legally Ballroom Champion 2017.

This is a wonderful evening which over the past 10 years has raised more than £100,000 for their chosen charity, and is one of the highlights of the year, with over 300 people attending.

Over the years, the choice of attire and outfits has ranged from a pink panther suit, a show girl, to Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. This is definitely not Strictly Ballroom by any means but a creative take on a well established theme.

Thank to everyone involved and we look forward to your next event in 2019!



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