ISTD Grand Finals 2017 - Adults

Its been an emotionally charged and wonderful weekend competing at the ISTD Grand Finals 2017 in Blackpool. The Empress Ballroom, in all its beautiful and majestic glory, looked a little different with the works being carried out to the roof, but it was still as glorious as ever.

Our Adults competed on the Sunday, and it has to be said that although we did not achieve a coveted first place in the solos, CDS pupils made more finals than any other year, in fact 27 final places in total over the two days! Our team as a whole did an incredible job making it through the huge entries to achieve final places, many seconds, and clearly this says everything about the quality of our students and school.
Special mention to our newbies who competed for the first time, and to Sarah who made the final of the unqualified SDT Waltz out of 27 entries.

And to our first places, Matt & Julie who won both their couples events out of entries of 27 in the Ballroom and 24 in the Latin.
Congratulations go to everyone really... however, a massive well done to our finalists:
1st Place x 2 - Matt & Julie (Couples. Ballroom & Latin)
2nd x 3 - Kirsty (Solo Latin), Julie (Solo Latin), Teresa (Solo Latin)
4th x 2 - Katherine (Solo Latin), Ian & Kirsty (Couples Latin)
5th x 3 - Sally Ann ( Solo Ballroom), Jane (Solo Latin), Ian & Kirsty (Couples Ballroom)
6th x 3 - Sarah (Solo UQ Ballroom), Nicola H (Solo Ballroom), Julie (Solo Ballroom)
More line-ups, and results in the Gallery below! Number of entries are included.
Adult Semi & Quarter Final Ballroom Results
Ballroom Un-Qualified U35 to Bronze Waltz
Laura - Top 12 Semi Final (27 Entries)
Amy - Top 12 Semi Final (27 Entries)
U35 SDT Qualified Quickstep
Nicola FR - Top 12 Semi Final (30 Entries)
Ian Horn - Top 24 Quarter Final (30 Entries)
O35 Silver Qualified Quickstep & Tango
Kelly - Top 12 Semi Final (24 Entries)
U35 Silver Qualified Quickstep & Tango
Emily - Top 12 Semi Final (32 Entries)
O50 Silver Qualified Quickstep & Tango
Katherine - Top 24 Quarter Final (34 Entries)
Lyn - Top 12 Semi Final (34 Entries)
O50 Awards Qualified Foxtrot & Tango
Teresa - Top 12 Semi Final (17 Entries)
O50 Couples to Bronze
Rod & Jane - Top 24 Quarter Final (32 Entries)
Adult Semi & Quarter Final Latin Results
Latin Un-Qualified U35 to Bronze Rumba
Laura - Top 24 Quarter Final (31 Entries)
Amy - Top 24 Quarter Final (31 Entries)
Sarah - Top 24 Quarter Final (31 Entries)
U35 SDT Qualified Cha Cha
Nicola FR - Top 24 Quarter Final (32 Entries)
Nicola H - Top 12 Semi-Final (32 Entries)
Ian - Top 12 Semi- Final (32 Entries)
O35 SDT Qualified Cha Cha
Matt - Top 24 Quarter Final (44 Entries)
O50 SDT Qualfiied Cha Cha
Rod - Top 24 Quarter Final (46 Entries)
O50 Qualified Pre-Bronze Jive
Sally Ann - Top 24 Quarter Final (28 Entries)
O35 Qualified Bronze Samba & Rumba
Kelly - Top 12 Semi Final (19 Entries)
U35 Qualified Silver Rumba & Cha Cha
Emily - Top 24 Quarter Final (35 Entries)
O50 Silver Qualified Rumba & Cha Cha
Lyn - Top 12 Semi Final ( 36 Entries)
O50 Couples o Bronze Cha Cha
Rod & Jane - Top 12 Semi Final (31 Entries)
Super big congratulations to all our pupils. We had a terrific time, in fact one of the best Blackpool ISTD Finals since we began this 3 years ago. Special thank you to Nick Miles and his ever efficient team on an absolutely flawlessly organised event.
See you all next year!