Safety and Social Distancing Policy
Caterham Dance School is pleased to welcome you back.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS RELEVANT DURING VARIOUS LOCKDOWNS AND WHILE GOVERNMENT POLICIES ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGES WE ENDEAVOUR TO IMPLEMENT FLUIDLY. We insist on the use of Masks when entering the building or sitting in reception, there are sanitising stations available for use in the studio. We also ask that everyone does a LTF test on the day they are intending to visit the studio.
** CDS TEACHERS** all have up to date COVID PASSES and for the safety of all pupils are testing regularly. We ask that everyone entering the premises take the same pre-cautions, although we cannot enforce this, it is for benefit of the dance industry to enable us to stay open and to continue to provide this activity.
We take the health and safety of our teachers and pupils seriously, and in doing so have increased our existing Risk Assessment and safety measures to include extensive considerations for the recent pandemic . We still implement this where enforceable.
The Government have eased some restrictions to allow for dance studios to remain open, and in doing so have implemented guidelines for the industry follow to ensure it does so safely. We have followed their current outline of measures to be put in place and equally are pleased to have been supported by the British Dance Council on providing us with specific guidance on our special industry.
Please remember to check back regularly for any changes.
We hope this section will help to clarify how this will affect you at CDS.
It is very important that you have and wear a face mask when you enter the studio and it is expected that you possess your own mask.
You must have your mask “with you“ (ie in your pocket, or in your possession) while in your lesson - you will NOT have to “wear” your mask while you are dancing. Everyone must have a mask with them as a precaution and these must be worn when not dancing i.e. before, and at the beginning & end of the lesson when leaving and walking past others etc. - this is not only for the safety of our pupils , but also for the safety of our teachers.
Same as above applies.
Children DO NOT have to wear masks, they do however have to make sure adhere to all other safety measures in our social distancing policy attached below.
Due to restrictions on the amount of pupils and teachers allowed in the school at the same time, and that we have also allowed for a buffer time between lessons so as our teachers can sanitise their work space for their next pupil, our private lessons slots are now severely restricted, meaning we have less slots available. We will therefore need to apply a STRICT CANCELLATION POLICY from now on of 48 hours notice of cancellation otherwise the full amount will need to be paid due to the knock on effects of the pandemic. If you have any questions please drop us a message and we will aim to get back you within 24hrs.